Thursday, March 14, 2013

Stop Apologizing!

STOP APOLOGIZING SO MUCH (unless you really need to.)  How often do you apologize repeatedly for something minor, or for something that isn't your fault, or maybe for just being you?

Stop apologizing when you don't need to!
For example, have you ever seen a colleague be late to a meeting, and after texting "sorry" on the way once or twice, then apologizing 1-2 times when they enter the meeting,
and then possibly 1, 2, or 3 more times during and after the meeting?  Extreme, yes, but this is really happening daily all over the world.  Of course, an apology is warranted for being late, but the ensuing wake of apologetic noise-making is not only annoying, it is disruptive to others!  The person who says they're sorry that many times is obviously distracted and not focusing on the purpose of the meeting...  One FYI text and one sincere verbal apology would be fully appropriate.  Anything more is overkill and does more damage than actually being late.

Another common example is the type of brief interactions with others, often strangers.  These include interjections such as "I'm sorry, but do you have the time? or noise-making responses like "I'm sorry, you dropped your pen." or "Oops, sorry" when they kick your chair or knocked over your folder, etc...

What are you apologizing for? In some cases, and especially if overused, others may subconsciously feel you are apologizing for being yourself and are somehow less-than-worthy.

Avoid "sorry" unless you really are apologizing for something apology-worthy. Consider using [please] excuse me, pardon me, a cheerful hey, hello, ahem, or mere silence instead.

To your continued success,
Heather A Legge
Coaching in Business To Change Habits and Boost

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