Monday, March 26, 2012

Part 3: How Today's Leaders Are Like Successful Athletes

Part 3 of 3

3. When it counts, they show up and perform.
Leaders today must realize that greater success is created when employees are enticed to show up and perform, most certainly when it really counts, but also every day. Long-running success in business comes from creating a mission, vision, and culture that employees not only appreciate but WANT to be a part of.
We talk easily of cultivating more long-term customer loyalty, but to take it further as businesses we must work to entice each customer to have a love affair with the product, service, or company. We can apply this concept to employees, and to take it to the next level, companies who can cultivate a love affair with their employees will reap the benefits of engaged workers performing at their best.  Daniel Pink validates for us in his book Drive that success in today's business environments are not propelled by traditionally popular rewards and pay structures to fuel motivation and drive of emplyees.  Employees need to feel they are making a difference, doing meaningful work, are appreciated by coworkers and company, and ultimately are so positive about the benefits of working there, they are loyal and hardworking of their own accord. The big question now: How will today's most successful leaders cultivate a love affair between the employees and the company?

Today's successful leaders will do this partly through their natural passion. Like successful athletes, they have a love for the game.  They get it.  i.e., get involved, BE it, live it, love it.  The bottom line for leaders out there: if you are not passionate about your work, or about what your company has going on, either change it, or get out and do what you really love with a company you really love.
Want to learn how?

This post is Part 3 of 3 regarding how today's leaders can create more long-term success in business. Consider your favorite team-sport athletes with the most long-running career success. Let's borrow the strategy & apply these concepts to create long-running business success... See Part 1 and Part 2