Monday, May 6, 2013

Hit the "Up" Button

You know how it feels when motivation is flagging, and that task that you said you would complete suddenly seems too difficult and you want to take a break, or quit altogether?  Hit the "UP" button!

During one of my recent workout sessions, the video host said, "You can always hit the UP button" in reference to putting more effort into the task at hand.  Hmmm...I like it! Very motivating.  I have since adopted it a bit as a personal motto. (Thanks to Jillian Micheals)

Make your time and effort count!  When it matters, you definitely want to be able to go full steam ahead.  Ask yourself "is this [task/activity] taking me closer to my goals/dreams?"  

If YES, hit the UP button for a period of time.  Create a sense of urgency and pump up your motivation & productivity with some of my favorite focus techniques, especially setting a timer (read more).  When you know you are working on something meaningful and for a specific period of time, you can amp up the effort more easily.  Pick a project, and TRY IT NOW for 30 minutes!

If NO, your current [task] is not in alignment with your goals/dreams, consider if it is something you can stop doing, either by removing it from your list immediately or in phases, or by sharing with or delegating to someone else.   

If it is a task or activity that you do not enjoy, but needs to be done, get creative on ways to make it seem to go faster, or make it fun somehow.  If you dread doing monthly reports but it is part of your job responsibility, try putting your favorite music on during that time, or make a deal with yourself that for 60-90 minutes you are dedicated to it, then can take a 30 minute walking break with your favorite coworker, or have a little contest with yourself to see how much faster you can do it versus last month, or some friendly competition with colleagues; loser buys cocktails after work!

Your challenge for this week: Find at least 3 opportunities to hit the UP button in your personal and professional activities.  You did it; enjoy the benefits!

To your continued success,
Heather A Legge
Coaching in Business to Change Habits and Boost Results-Envision Success Inc

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