Friday, September 26, 2008

Work Better...Live More Life!

For my fellow working professionals-

Do you...
*Feel stressed or overwhelmed?
*Have more To-Do items than hours in the day?
*Notice life slides by…days turn into weeks, months, and then years?
*Say “When I have more time I’m going to ___.” ?
*Think “SHOULD” and “SOMEDAY” a lot?
*Experience Guilt?

You can live a balanced, happy, prosperous life by applying some simple, proven concepts.

WORK BETTER (get more done in less time) & LIVE MORE LIFE (do what you really want)!

But how, you may ask? When working with my coaching clients, I walk them through several steps in two phases: First we tackle desired outcomes so there is something to work for! :-)


Spend some time really thinking and planning to create your future.
Why do you want more money or time? What will you do with more?
What dreams have you put aside, waiting for "someday?"
What would you like to contribute to? What ideas do you have for making happen?
When are you happiest and/or most relaxed?

II. Then, we look for ways to WORK BETTER ("work smarter, not harder") such as:

1. Set goals - daily List of 6
2. Manage activities - no one manages time, we manage our activities
3. Learn to focus - we do not all have attention-deficit disorder, it is a learned habit
4. Make an impact- choose the right things and do them in the right order

How will you Work Better & Live More Life?

Share your idea, tips, tactics for staying balanced and actively creating your future, and please also share your successes on this blog!