Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Control Your Email in 5 Easy Steps

Does your Email cause you anxiety?  If so, you are not alone. In fact, the statistics are staggering!  You already know the pain, so let's talk solutions. To gain control of your Email, following are some easy suggestions and best-practices. These steps are also a countdown to ZERO messages in your inbox (at least for a moment in time):

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Toilet Talk Needs to GO!

The Public Service Announcement could be "Just DON'T Do It."

I was in a restaurant's public toilet last week and a woman in the next stall was discussing specific data and spreadsheets with a coworker on her cell phone.  Not only was it obvious the conversation would have been more productive in person, it was awkward for several people within earshot, and may have been a data breach.  Wow.

Sure, the urge to multitask is strong.  We are all feeling the time crunch in our modern work environments.  However, other than brief conversational comments with colleagues in passing, the bathroom should be off-limits for work, especially for phone calls!   Here are 5 reasons why talking in the toilet is bad for business: