Friday, March 29, 2013


While driving the other day I got to thinking about a particular goal of mine...with a jolt of disgust, I acknowledged I haven't been fully committed to that goal for awhile.  Worse yet, I realized that I have been attempting to convince myself that it is OK if I do NOT achieve the goal!  WTH?  How did this happen? 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Stop Apologizing!

STOP APOLOGIZING SO MUCH (unless you really need to.)  How often do you apologize repeatedly for something minor, or for something that isn't your fault, or maybe for just being you?

Stop apologizing when you don't need to!
For example, have you ever seen a colleague be late to a meeting, and after texting "sorry" on the way once or twice, then apologizing 1-2 times when they enter the meeting,