Thursday, January 31, 2013

From Blame to Success in 30 Days

Think about your last encounter with someone angry because things didn't go well.  While you probably witnessed some yelling, cursing, maybe kicking or punching, and plenty of blaming, you probably didn't hear them accepting responsibility.  They likely blamed other people, the economy, the weather, the government, bad timing, and a whole slew of others.

Who is really the source?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Don't Be Resolution Roadkill

You've got your resolutions and/or your goals set.  Now how do you avoid what typically happens: becoming a statistical "failure"?  What will you do differently (from other people, previous years) to guarantee your success?

Following are 5 easy steps for achieving greater success. They are all important, but in this case they are counting down to the one most critical during times of multifaceted change: