Saturday, July 18, 2009

Confidence For Any Situation

It's the eve of a triathlon, and I'm not worried today... I should be. I'm not the type who excels at these things. In fact, people are probably surprised that I participate in fitness events. I'm healthy, but I'm no star athlete.

Last summer was my first tri, and I signed up again this year. At some point I told myself I was going to beat my time by 20% --but then life cruised on and I focused on other goals. I didn't fully commit through action until the past couple of months.

I was a little freaked out about it. I was training pretty hard and it was great (met some awesome milestones!) but then a week ago I started limping. My left foot was hurting a lot and I started to wonder if I could do the triathlon at all. I put my workouts on hold. I allowed myself a few daily thoughts of "This sucks!" "It's not fair!" "Waaaahhh." I went through my days in a minor depressive state...

Then I stood back and wondered if my anxiety about meeting my goal was somehow the root cause of my physical distress. As a business coach, I know darn well that the mind is far more powerful than any circumstances --and I resolved to change my tune.

I made a decision: I will do the race no matter what & if I have to limp across the finish line, then so be it. Then when I looked back at my written goals, I realized I had committed to completing it and to beating my time from last year. And I felt better about it (what? where did the 20% come from??).

The point of this blog? The reason I am taking the time to type it up before I load the car with my gear? Because I realized that ultimately what matters to me is simply keeping my promise to myself. And I want to share this with you-

I'm doing this event because it is in line with my vision of the person I am becoming. This gives me confidence for tomorrow. This feeling of moving one step closer to my goals, my future, my "ideal" self gives me confidence. I'm doing the right thing by acting in support of my matter how the race goes tomorrow. This habit of sticking to a decision in the face of fear and uncertainty also gave me confidence a few weeks ago just prior to a speaking engagement I didn't feel truly ready for. And it will give you confidence when you need it.

Are we ever totally physically ready for whatever comes our way? I don't think so. Not fully. You just can't address every contingency for every situation. Besides, who wants to live a "worst case scenario" lifestyle? No thanks.

However, we CAN be mentally ready...for anything. I believe one way to experience this is by acknowledging who we are now and who we want to be. Then by making choices that fit with that vision we step boldly in the direction of our dreams. That IS confidence.

Who do you want to be? By the way, I don't mean you should care about what other people think or emulate others' behavior or accomplishments. I mean that when you think about your future self, what traits do you want to have? Who do YOU want to be? Step boldy in the direction of these dreams and goals, and live confidently! Live Out Loud! Act As If!

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