Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Focus (No, It's Not Hocus Pocus)

Pay attention! Focus! How many times did you hear this is a kid (or as an adult, come to think of it)? When the ball is coming at your head or when you have 2 hours until a big deadline...all you need is more focus. Ugh, "just focus." Yeah right, like it's so super easy when your stress level is through the roof. Aaaah, but it can be. Easy, I mean. With practice. Yep, that's the catch. But it's not really a catch as much as a way in, and it is SO worth it!

Focus Defined
Q. Are focus and discipline the same thing, because I just can't seem to get a handle on either of these?
A. No, although the road to learning laser focus probably requires a bit of discipline for most people. Focus is the ability to put thought energy toward something specific. Discipline is the ability to give yourself a command and follow it.

What About This, That, and the Other?
Do you have this challenge too? You just sit down to focus on that project and almost as soon as your butt touches the chair, one or more things you "have to do" pop up. Such as: I have to go to the bathroom, and I should get that email out to the team before I forget, and oh I just remembered I need to call Bill, and omg I should have eaten lunch because I'm starving... First of all, rest assured this is normal in our modern world of work. Almost everyone feels like their focus is scattered pretty much all the time. My personal theory on this is that we are simply used to it, and we now expect it, and the cycle continues. We expect ourselves to be masterful multi-taskers. However, just like a computer processor, the human brain technically handles only one task at a time, even if it is at the speed of light.

How to Increase Your Focus
Determine what type of structures or processes you can use to help you create and maintain focus when needed. As an example of something my clients really benefit from, try using a kitchen timer to keep yourself focused. Determine a specific task to focus on, take a few minutes to clear out the procrastination items (go to the bathroom, refill your water glass, set the phone to silent, etc...) then set the timer for a reasonable period of time and focus ONLY on completing the desired task for that amount of time. This works because essentially you give yourself permission to put the other stuff on hold temporarily. Try it.

What to Focus On?
Another facet of Focus leads us to what exactly you put your focus toward. Which thoughts and actions will ultimately help you be more effective? What are you working toward? If you don't know your desired outcome, start by focusing on that.

As an example, if you have a project due soon, be able to articulate what you want to accomplish. In others words, what would you like the outcome to be? (At a medium-sized contact center, they determined as a team they wanted the clients totally satisfied, the team to feel the project was worthwhile, they worked together well and didn't have to put in as much overtime, and also the profit is in the good range due to improvements in project flow.) Once you have the goal to focus on, being as specific as you can, stretching for improvements with a bit of pragmatism. Then, hold the picture of this accomplishment in your focus while asking simple questions to help you drive it forward from your starting point. What could you do to make it happen? (If you have a team, like in this example, brainstorm with them.) Do NOT filter the ideas until AFTER you have a ton of real possibilities. Then figure out which ones to take action on.

1. Consider your ability to focus and whether or not discipline is required. Resolve to make 1 little tiny improvement this week. What will it be?

2. Try using the timer technique today or tomorrow to complete a task you've been putting off. OH, it will feel so good! Which task do you choose?

3. Keep a notepad handy and jot down things that come to mind when you are focusing on something specific. Write it down, then get right back to it, checking the list for actions after "focus time."

To help you focus your imagination and get motivated, I'd like to recommend a product I use personally and recommend to clients to help focus on creating their vision for the future: