Sunday, September 20, 2009

Communication: Week 6

Read about other weeks.

I think "Communication" is a no-brainer on the improvement list.

Yet, how many people 1) acknowledge they could use some help and 2) know what to do to improve communication with others?

The principles of communication are simple. Yet so are those of weight loss--- and look how most of us are doing! In the spirit of continuous improvement, I resolved to work on communication this week.

I was in the Ozarks on the lake and deep in late-summer humidity, mostly shopping and eating while my husband was attending a work-related annual conference and I was left to my own devices. I brought plenty of work with me, and ironically during this communication-focused week I experienced very little communication with the "outside world" via technology due to connectivity issues. Yet at the same time, I was interacting person-to-person with people I see only a few times each year. I found myself being much less of a leader and much more observant given this opportunity. I enjoyed soaking in the details about others during conversation and saying less than half of what I considered saying.

Overall, a good way to live.

A note on my progress: once again, I don't think I focused quite enough on this (as much as I wanted to) but I still feel like I benefitted from the experience. I'm noticing a trend. Apparently I expect a lot from myself. Can you relate?

Onto the next week's focus area: Relationships!