Monday, October 31, 2011

What Not To Do at the End of the Year

I've compiled a short list of things NOT to do toward the end of the year, things that most people do - because they are either too tired, ignorant, or unmotivated to make the most of the present and plan appropriately for next year..

Yes, we want to eat, drink, & be merry. We worked hard all year and when nearing the end, it is natural to seek celebration and experience some "I deserve it" attitude. However, this is not the time to let yourself go.  You want to
finish the year on a strong note!  Even if a person were to take a couple days around Thanksgiving and 2 weeks off in December, there are still 45 days to get stuff done and make a positive impact every day you can this holiday season.

1. Wait until after the holidays to set next year's goals.
Don't you want to kick off the new year with a bang?  Sure, most people wait --so why should you try so hard?  Consider the analogy of going holiday gift shopping for loved ones. You get in the car, start driving, circle around the city, pick the first place, park, go into the store, and then write your list of things to shop for.  Does this get you the gifts? Yes. However, you can bet if you planned ahead, putting thought into what items specific people would like and where to purchase them, you would create a better result.

Yes, it is tempting to put it off, but I urge you not to be like the rest. Block some time in your calendar this year (right now!) to plan for a better next year. To support people who want to get ahead, I am offering 1/2 off "Roadmap Package" of 4 coaching sessions to help strategically plan for a business, a career, or explore a startup. Only $500 when purchased in 2011. More info.

2. Stop networking.
Most people quit networking toward the end of the year, but the ones who do attend are the ones who are serious about business. Attend every networking event that you can between now and the end of the year -because you are truly more likely to make connections that matter.  In a similar vein, be sure to get some business conversation in during networking events that feel a little more social than normal; they are still opportunities to make good connections.

3. Slow down your prospecting.
 What if your competition is 'crushing it' right now while you are 'asleep at the wheel'? It's not a pleasant thought, is it?  Even if your prospects are putting off decisions (see below for counterattack ideas), at least you have reached out.  Remember that sometimes it comes down to a contest regarding the number of "touches."  Set a prospecting or revenue goal for yourself to stay on track right up through the end of the year and hold yourself to it.

3. Put off business decisions.
It is easy to do. You might feel like it's just one more thing on your plate. Here's the thing: it's unlikely that your decision will change after the 1st of the year. In other words, you already know what you want to do. You may not start using services or products until January, but how nice it would be to have that all figured out already, so you don't have to worry about a bunch of stuff during the first week when you are foggy from vacation.  It's also worth considering that you may still benefit from purchases made this year, whether for tax purposes or other reasons. You will probably enjoy your holiday time off more, knowing you've already taken care of it.

5. Eat & drink too much at holiday parties.
My fitness boot camp instructor told us last week that the average weight gain between Nov 1 and Jan 1 is EIGHT POUNDS!  Don't become an average statistic.  Follow some best practices: during busier times, take better care of yourself. This means continuing your exercise, but maybe in shorter and/or more frequent bouts.  Drink plenty of water, partly to help keep up your energy level, plus to counteract any extra caffeine or alcohol you may consume. Go to parties with a strategy: consider holding a sparkling water while you mingle and setting a limit to the amount per event or per week you allow yourself of certain items. Start going to the gym in December, when it's less busy & you can get into your groove with classes, equipment, schedule, or preferred trainer before the New Year's rush.

Some other thoughts about putting things off...
I have a theory about procrastination in our modern society. I believe it is not a personality flaw or weakness, but is more often caused by common tiredness and general overwhelm.  You may feel that you simply have too much on your plate and not enough energy to deal with it.  I'd like to suggest the following 4 solutions: 1. The CLEAN Program. 2. The Goal Achiever. 3. The Compound Effect + accountability coaching. 4. The coachville Clean Sweep program. I feel so strongly about these making a difference for people, I've just decided to great a special package. Would you like to join me for a full year of getting your business & your life in order, taking care of your health, family, relationships, and finances - having more energy than you thought possible, having a roadmap for your success, and achieving more in one year than most people do in ten?  Email me at