Sunday, January 1, 2012

Only Winners Set Goals

Success requires no apologies. 
Failure permits no alibis.
~ Napoleon Hill

Aaaah, the promise of a new year, and with it the hopes of greater achievements than years past.  I absolutely love this time of year.  All the planning and imagining how great things will be when all those accomplishments come to fruition!  Oh wait, a dose of reality...most people don't achieve their goals and dreams.  Most people don't set goals at all.  Most people don't allow themselves the "luxury" of dreams.  It's unfortunate that most people don't understand how it all works. 
Success comes to those who expect it.  Failure comes to those who expect it.  When people say they don't want to declare goals or write them down, what they are really saying is they don't have faith in themselves, or in God, or in the universe-- in other words, if they don't make a goal, then they won't have to fail.  They don't realize that the simple act of setting the right goal will change everythingOf course, there are tons of things they can do to increase their odds of success, but the MOST important one is setting a goal in the first place. 

Just for fun, let's play a little game.  When the Genie comes to you and asks for your wishes, what do you tell him?  There, that wasn't so hard.  You just declared some things you want. 

Want to take it to the next level this year?  Now use your imagination for 15 minutes and list all the ways that you COULD make these things come true, or at least experience progress from where you are today.  Break them down into steps you can actually do.Take action. Celebrate every little success.  Keep the goals in your mind.  EXPECT SUCCESS! Repeat.  Get the Goal Achieving Guide here.  Make it a great year!