Sunday, January 8, 2012

Do I Have To Choose: Make Money or Do Good?

Are you among the vast majority that believes you can either 'Do Good' -OR- 'Make Money' - in other words, do you believe that truly wealthy people are not truly good people?  Even if your intellectual self is arguing this right now, there is a very good chance that down in your core you have fallen prey to this conditioned habit of thought in our society.  Yes, some of the very wealthy have prioritized money over people.  However, this is NOT the rule and thankfully when we analyze further we can see that the
people we truly admire and respect for being great human beings are also very prosperous, including monetary wealth.

If you have struggled in your relationship with money, resolve to analyze your beliefs then take action to change things this year.  What type of relationship did your parents have with money? What things did they say about money?  Think of some examples from your own life of really good people who earned a good amount of wealth. Seek to prove to yourself that 'Do Good' AND 'Make Money' do go together.  One follows the other, but it only goes one way...illustrated by the mantra "LOVE PEOPLE AND USE MONEY."

You can and should have both when you work to provide excellent service and value to others. Both Karma and rule of Givers Gain imply strongly that we also need to know how to receive graciously.  As stated in "The Go-Giver," THE LAW OF COMPENSATION confirms "Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them."

If you have been justifying not making more money because you want to be a good person, stop! It's a bunch of crap, so pick yourself up and start finding ways to Do Good AND Make Money. Get out there and SERVE MORE PEOPLE WELL.  Enjoy the process of doing good for others in business; you'll find you can't help but make more money.

Here's to your success,
Heather A Legge Coaching in Business for Results

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