Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I Learned On The Treadmill This Morning

Double Bonus! Watching or listening to motivational material while walking or running on the treadmill is such a great way to boost us up. This morning I was watching a DVD series that featured some of the greatest speakers of our time: Les Brown and Jim Rohn.  Wow, what a great start to my day!  These were my top 3 takeaways during the short half hour of exercise:

1. Most people are so bogged down in negative that they say 7 "No"s before they can say "Yes." This means we should keep asking!

2. You have to be HUNGRY!  When we are really hungry, we will stop at nothing to get a bite to eat. It's the same in terms of our goals.  The right goal essentially feeds us through achievement.  We might have a little stumble or we might hear No several times, but if we are truly hungry for it, we will keep going.  That Big Hairy Audacious Goal may have you feeling insatiable, driving you forward, getting better, meeting people, constantly moving forward until you feel satisfied with your level of accomplishment.  This is a great thing (as long as you aren't harming others or yourself). Enjoy the ride!

3. Making money is about VALUE. 
A. You must bring value to the marketplace.  Therefore making money is simple; you want value from others, and they want value from you. Money is merely a marker representing the value being appreciated on both sides of a transaction.  If you want to make more money, find ways to add more value that people will appreciate.  (Ask them what they want & strive to deliver it!)
B. You must work on your own value.  How do YOU add value to others; what do they appreciate about you?  Make time for "Get Good" activities.  (Now you know why I do my Lessons in Treadmill Time.)

How will you apply your favorite of these concepts today?  What impact could this have on your goals this year?