Monday, December 16, 2013

The End of Your Story?

The End of a Story
by Julie Strzyz, ESI Personal Growth and Leadership Coach

I was impressed by a recent TEDx event called “The Energy of Eulogy”, given by a fellow coach, speaker, writer, and all-around magnetic individual.  She described the power behind a eulogy as well as the message it leaves about the deceased.  She challenged us as an audience to contemplate our own eulogies as the process defines how and who we will be.

I reflected on the eulogies of two recently deceased loved ones and the celebratory note of each of them.  Yes, I was grieving intensely and missing them dearly but the pure joy I felt at the realization of their impact on the world was deep and consuming.

After discussing this during a session with my own coach, I accepted the challenge to write my eulogy and agreed to complete it within two weeks.  After some procrastination, I finally sat down to write (yes, even coaches procrastinate at times).  To my surprise, it was not a morbid experience at all; on the contrary, it had a profound and cathartic influence on me.  It caused me to carefully consider not only how I show up in the world every single day but also what motivates and drives me as a human being.  Writing about the end of my story gave me a greater awareness and perspective of how I want to craft the middle of my story.

My question for you is: What do you want the middle of your story to be?  As I learned, life is not simply about achievements, it is about BEING.  What will it take for you to find your life’s purpose?  What do you want to be known for? 

**I challenge you to write the end of your story now --because later is too late.  The beautiful thing about writing it now is that if you do not like how it turns out, you get to change it!

Julie Strzyz
Coaching in Business for Results

www.Envision Success

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